The Quest: The Vision, the Mission, the Purpose, and WHY
From the beginning of this journey, it has been my quest to build a successful online business. The first key step is working out what is the vision, the mission, the purpose, and the why.
I committed to searching for the key building blocks to give myself the best possible foundation and outcome.
What is the quest, the vision, the mission, the purpose, and the why?
I had the idea that this journey would bring me closer to unlocking deeper mysteries!
Meaning, Purpose, Goals, Plans, and WHY.
I wanted this journey to have Meaning & Purpose so I began by resetting my goals to cover all aspects of my life. (not just business).
I set health and creativity goals and, followed Brian Tracy’s three-step process.
I’ve joined an art workshop and painted a tree. I loved it!
Starting with Why. Why?
When I came to rewrite my business goals, I realized that I had to review my WHY, and to do that I had to get out of my comfort zone!
I followed the exercise from my coach, Dean in The Iceberg Effect and kept asking why.
Why do I want to create a successful online business?
I want to help myself and my family
I want to share what I’ve learned so that others can avoid the same mistakes I made.
Go Deeper Still
As I foraged deep into the buried crevices of my mind, my ‘why’ exploded all around me and I discovered that the word ‘failure’ as it rolled off my pen and around inside my head, began to lose its power!
Why does the idea of ‘failure’ come to mind when concerning money/finance?
Who decides whether I am a failure or not?
I thought of the different uses of ‘failure’
Fail Fast……..
Wait: Mistakes are how you learn.
I listened and then heard a Why growing and bursting forth!
“I want to Make a Difference”.
What’s the dream?
The Vision, the Mission, the Purpose, the WHY
Well if I could have a magic wand and I could have or do whatever I wanted …
I’d create a well-being retreat/center in Jamaica.
I will review and update my ‘why’ as a weekly practice.
My next step is to create a budget that maps out where I am and where I want to be.
Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you
Dream BIG,
Be Fearless.
I’m enjoying following your journey, Eleanor. I appreciate the time you’re taking to document the details of what you’re doing, including the things that are less talked about such as creating that budget, and what that looks like for an online business. You’re providing such valuable insight for anyone starting an online business, thank you for sharing!
Hi Eleanor!
Your words are flowing with inspiration and determination to move forward with your online journey. I believe in the power of our WHY. Staying focused on our WHYs can move mountains!
Your goal of creating a beautiful retreat is fabulous!
Hold steady on those dreams! True success is having the courage to overcome our fears and grow from our mistakes along the way! You’ve got this! I look forward to reading your future posts!
All the best!
Milissa Neirotti
Hi Eleanor,
Your WHY is very inspiring! To have a retreat as you mentioned sounds amazing! I visited Jamaica twice and loved it so much. It remains one of the top vacations my wife and I had! I’ve had to revisit my WHY several times over the last several months to get my mind back on track. I learned how powerful the WHY is when to help us overcome and push through the hard times in business. Looking forward to your next post!
Following the path to the “why” is so important! It keeps us focused and motivated when things are hard. Your “whys” are so inspiring and are not selfish. I admire your efforts and hope for your huge success!
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Finding our “why” is what helps us and keeps us motivated in our business. I love your idea of a family retreat. It sounds very nice.
Figuring out your why is crucial for success because knowing what that is will guide you to do what it takes to see your why come to fruition. This is what will drive you to see your journey play out. This process isn’t easy…there is a lot of work involved, and it takes a certain amount of stamina not to give up and find something else that appears easier and faster. Everything takes work, and that will take time. Revisiting one’s why is sometimes necessary because life changes make that happen. You are making it happen, and I’m behind you…
Thanks for sharing your new found “WHY”. It is amazing how our minds can shift when we slow down and take time to meditate on what we really want out of life. I know for me my “Why” keep helping move forward every day no matter what obstacles my appear.
I know you can overcome the fear and rise to the occasion.
By they way you resort sounds awesome. Hope to visit it once you have got it built. It is only a matter of time.
Hi Eleanor,
Our “Why” is so important to our success. I truly believe that if you have that clear in your mind, you will get to it much more quickly than someone who hasn’t taken the time to find out what their “why” is.
I look so forward to reading your next post!
Hi Eleanor, I really love your style of writing and how you put your ideas in your post. You are very good. It is clean and easy to read. It’s a good thing to revise our objectives as they can change in time. I’m glad you found a deeper WHY. And yes, there is no such thing as failure, just another way to learn!
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Hi, Eleanor!
I love your why. I like that it’s something you can dream about, build, and plan while you’re working on your business. I can see how it will drive you forward and keep you going.
I’m looking forward to hearing more about it and seeing your business grow!
Hi Eleanor
Interesting post and it seems your big why is very similar to my own. Let’s keep moving forward and I’m sure we’ll get there
Hey Eleanor 👋 I love your idea re a wellbeing centre for children. It is so beautiful and giving. I started a group for Home Educated children that has been running for nearly four years now. It runs itself now due to the input of the fabulous and talented parents of the children that attend. I would love for you to come and have a look sometime!?
Eleanor, your journey towards building an online business is truly inspiring. It’s wonderful to see how you’re exploring different aspects of life, not just business, to find meaning and purpose. Your commitment to understanding your ‘why’ and stepping out of your comfort zone is admirable. As you delve deeper into your motivations and dreams, your vision for creating a well-being retreat in Jamaica shines brightly. Your dedication to making a difference and your fearless attitude towards chasing your dreams are truly remarkable. Keep embracing your journey with courage and determination – you’re on the path to something amazing! Dream big and continue to inspire others with your story. You are ready FEARLESS!! Thanks, Atif
My family and I will be one of the first in your retreat! It sounds fabulous! There are more and more retreats popping up in the UK but a family one sounds perfect.
I’m looking forward to you reaching your goals, as I’ve been reading your blogs every week. I’ll be sharing your success one day….
Keep going and keep that why in your mind. I need a retreat holiday in Jamaica!
I loved reading about your BIG whys! As I read everyone’s blog post this eve, I am struck by the importance of seeing the Big Picture almost like seeing all of the ins and outs from an aerial perspective. It’s a good way to detach and see all the moving parts.
Hi Eleanor,
I believe knowing your “why” and having it on paper so you see it everyday is important to do. I’m so glad you were able to dig deeper to find your true “why.” It’s so easy to get distracted. If we aren’t reminded everyday then it’s easy to fall bad on our business. Thank you for this reminder. I need to remind myself pretty often now, because I have so many distractions going on in my life right now. Thanks again! Take care.
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