crossroads in silhouette with orange sunset in background

Finding clarity at the crossroads of life and business is an amazing feeling, that tingling sensation when you know something’s right for you.

In the beginning, my blog’s strapline was ‘creating an online business in affiliate marketing‘, and then several months ago I modified it to just ‘creating an online business‘.

But, it wasn’t till a recent posting, writing on the Power of Ideas, that it suddenly dawned on me…


The Power of Well-being

Why wait to create the physical space, why not start now to create an online wellbeing retreat? 

I tentatively declared this interest and was pleasantly surprised at the positive feedback I received from colleagues. 

What was even more amazing that I could not have orchestrated any better was that I’d started this well-being journey at the best possible place!!

finding clarity through compassion


Self-compassion is the starting place for well-being!

During the last 15 years or so, when well-being became part of the everyday language, people asked, what do you mean by well-being? 

It’s almost a new word even though it has ancient roots. Still, there was our recent past to contend with that argued that mental health was a defective, genetic disorder that one could not recover from and therefore people needed to be shut away. 

steps to self-compassion

Mental Wellbeing

Today there is more understanding that we all have mental health, that we need to be mindful of, our mind as well as the body and for some our soul; all need care, concern, and attention. 

Now there is a view that recovery is possible and as we see an increase in diagnosis in children and young people, an awareness is growing that it may have less to do with the individual and more to do with our environment. 

Good News

The good news is that we are not powerless, and we can all contribute to creating a nurturing environment.

Starting with ourselves and how we treat ourselves, being in tune with how we’re feeling, and showing empathy and patience rather than getting mad at our shortcomings. 

We live to learn another day!!

 Choosing Your Niche

Deciding on a niche can be complicated but it need not stop you from moving forward. There is clarity at the crossroads.  You learn as you move forward.

I hope you see that even with uncertainty you are still learning as you go so don’t let that be a barrier to getting started. 


Four Main Categories 


There are 4 main categories in the internet space. They are:

Wealth, Health, Relationships and General Interests

These categories are the most profitable for growing a business online.  A niche is a subgroup of a category.  

 Another coach I follow, Sophie shares a 5-minute exercise challenge to overcome any barrier to deciding a category and niche.


 Do this Exercise To Decide Your Niche

Create 3 columns on a single page. The first column heading is to list the things you do every day. The second column heading is to list your passions and things you love to do and the 3rd column is to list things you are learning.

Spend 5 minutes filling in these columns and ultimately choose one. If you need more time do another 5 minutes.

The idea is to choose, not to get bogged down as it’s better to move forward with imperfect action, rather than wait until everything is perfect, which is unlikely to happen.


Affiliate Marketing Is Foundational Training  

Affiliate marketing is still the foundation on which to build any online business. In its simplest and oldest form, it is about introducing someone to a product and receiving a commission should they purchase it.

The steps that are required to complete this business model will be explored in my next post as well as the additional steps to choosing a niche. 

 I will also discuss my challenges with social media platforms such as TikTok.  


If you’re thinking of creating an online business, do you have any questions?

  • What challenges have you faced in finding your niche?
  • How do you practice self-compassion in your daily life?
  • What interests or passions are you considering for your online business?

 I will continue to discuss these key topics in future posts so please let me know any questions you may have.


 Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

 If you prefer to contact me directly, please email me at:


Dream Big,

Be Fearless. 


10 thoughts on “Clarity at the Crossroads”
  1. What a great idea to start a well-being retreat online. The possibilities are endless and not to mention a much cheaper option than bricks and mortar. You are truly inspirational when it comes to your mindset on helping others. Mental health is so important and is much better understood and treatable these days. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as the project progresses.

  2. Hi Eleanor,
    Great post! Mental well-being is so important in life and caring for our own first is a requirement, I think.
    Just as it’s herd to love others when we don’t love ourselves, I believe same applies to mental well-being.
    It’s super challenging to be a support for someone else’s mental well-being, if we are not caring for for our own.
    That 5 minute exercise for identifying one’s niche was really great, thanks for sharing it 🙂
    All the best as you continue your journey!

  3. Eleanor, What a unique idea! There sounds like a lot of opportunity out there for something like this. In life we are usually the ones that get taken care of last. I look forward to hearing and seeing how you are going to develop this idea. Much Fun Ahead!

  4. Hi Eleanor,
    This blog couldn’t come at a more appropriate time for me! In the past couple of weeks, I’ve had the good fortune of being able to review where I stood with my Affiliate Marketing business.
    Long story short, I think I’m back on the right track but there’s one thing that always came back to me. It was something Glenn told me last year: “don’t overthink it”.
    I love the fact that you incorporated that within this weeks blog entry. Sometimes we need to stop thinking and do a little of doing!
    Can’t wait to read your next entry! Wishing you all the best!

  5. Eleanore,
    It is so fitting that the week I come back to this community, with every post I read, I can somehow resonate with my life as it is today. I have been struggling with my personal life to the point where I wonder what I’m doing. A heaviness above me bogs me down; sometimes, it feels so overwhelming that I can’t function. But this post about self-compassion feels so foreign to me as I usually feel so much compassion and empathy for others and never in a million years thought to have compassion for myself. When I think about that, I feel some weight lifting from my shoulders. I feel you are heading in the right direction for your business, and I think you will help many people along the way. God bless!
    Vanessa A Lea recently posted…How Negative Influences and Relationships Can Hinder Entrepreneurship DreamsMy Profile

  6. Clarity! Nothing can be accomplished without it. I’ve enjoyed my own moments of clarity as I’ve moved through this year of intense learning with Dean Holland! Those “A HA “ moments are like signposts along the way that signal a reassurance that we are on the right path- often the road least travelled!

    Keep us posted on your progress!!

  7. Hi, Eleanor!

    You are so inspiring! I’m so excited about your online well-being retreat. I think this is perfect for you!
    Your tips for choosing a niche are so simple and clear. Making the three columns is a bright idea!
    I’m looking forward to reading more about your experiences with TikTok.
    I’m excited to see your vision take shape! Keep shining bright and dreaming big!

  8. Hi Eleanor,

    It’s wonderful to hear about your journey and the realization that well-being can be a core part of your online business. The shift to focusing on a well-being retreat sounds like a fantastic direction. The tips on self compassion and choosing a niche are really helpful, especially for those of us navigating the crossroads of life and business. Thanks for sharing such valuable insights, Eleanor! Looking forward to reading more about your experiences and challenges. Keep dreaming big and being fearless!

    Meredith Moore recently posted…Optimizing Your Welcome Email Sequence: Strategies for Lasting ImpressionsMy Profile

  9. This post really hits home! Finding clarity in life and business truly is an amazing feeling—like everything just clicks. I love how you’ve embraced the power of well-being. It’s so inspiring to see you taking steps towards creating an online well-being retreat. Thanks for sharing your journey and these valuable tips. Keep shining and spreading positivity!

  10. Thank you for sharing such an insightful and inspiring post! Your journey toward finding clarity and purpose in both life and business is incredibly motivating. The idea of starting an online well-being retreat is brilliant and timely, especially as more people seek mental and emotional balance in our fast-paced world, which has always been a dream of mine. To have a place to have retreats and help others “own their mind and body health”! I look forward to watching you create this goal and sharing your gifts with others!

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